Unsubscribe from those mailing lists!

Unsubscribe from those mailing lists!

I am really good at what I do, which might sound a bit big-headed but if you can't admit that to yourself, how are you going to convince a potential client that you are the right person for the job!

Starting a business is the most scariest thing that I've ever done, but I haven't regretted it for 1 second. When I started out I wanted to flood myself with information on how to crack the social media platform, I signed up to every online coach that wanted to share their wisdom with me (especially if it was free, I'm a new business after all!!!) Now nearly 2 years later I have a load of emails I haven't had the chance to read, neatly organises in my mailbox, and of the few I have read, they all pretty much said the same thing!

But then I read an article that popped up whilst I was googling networking events (I'll talk about the importance of networking in another time) that made me take a double look. It was all about the need to unsubscribe to the mass amount of emailing lists that junk up our inboxes. It talked about the amount of time you can spend on reading these updates and not actioning them, so what's the point? and that really hit home.

I had become that person who signed up for the gym and only went once or twice a month!

So I did the most therapeutic thing, I unsubscribed to all of those email lists!

I saved the downloads that I've used and continue to use, and its amazing how much better I feel.

So my tips for today are;

  • Be strict on yourself and commit to one programme, but don't be afraid to change if its not working for you.
  • If you feel pressured because of the amount of emails they're sending, unsubscribe, feeling overwhelmed is not going to help you succeed.
  • Set time aside time so you are able to implement any actions you need to make. Growing your business is just as important as growing someone else's

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